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Hero 08

Book Title

[Book Title]

Book One of the Gripping [Series Name] Series

They say money can't buy you everything, and Yuriy is starting to suspect this contains a grain of truth. It seem the entire fortune of the city's richest crime boss can't buy a suitable groom for his daughter's wedding.

But Yuriy will do anything for his only daughter... and if she wants a wedding, that's exactly what she'll get.

[Replace this text with an enticing, short teaser or excerpt]


Book Title

[Book Title]

Book One of the Gripping [Series Name] Series

They say money can’t buy you everything, and Yuriy is starting to suspect this contains a grain of truth. It seem the entire fortune of the city’s richest crime boss can’t buy a suitable groom for his daughter’s wedding.

But Yuriy will do anything for his only daughter… and if she wants a wedding, that’s exactly what she’ll get.

[Replace this text with an enticing, short teaser or excerpt]

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