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Illustrated List 01

  • The characters

  • The plot

  • inspiration

  • around the world

The Characters

  • Marcus is a man with a single, modest goal in life: to be remarkably, lavishly, and scandalously rich. There's just one small problem... how do you make money when you're being pursued by the local mob, the city guards, and a jilted fiancée?
  • Eleanor is a woman who hates the term jilted. Or scorned. Or rejected. As far as Eleanor is concerned, a promise is a promise, and she intends to collect on hers with interest!
  • Yuriy runs a family-owned business with a wide range of income streams: gambling, "protection", bribery, blackmail, violence, and a little light relocation of pre-owned property. But Yuriy will do anything for his only daughter... and if she wants a wedding, that's exactly what she'll get.
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  • The characters

  • The plot

  • inspiration

  • around the world

The Characters

  • Marcus is a man with a single, modest goal in life: to be remarkably, lavishly, and scandalously rich. There’s just one small problem… how do you make money when you’re being pursued by the local mob, the city guards, and a jilted fiancée?

  • Eleanor is a woman who hates the term jilted. Or scorned. Or rejected. As far as Eleanor is concerned, a promise is a promise, and she intends to collect on hers with interest!

  • Yuriy runs a family-owned business with a wide range of income streams: gambling, “protection”, bribery, blackmail, violence, and a little light relocation of pre-owned property. But Yuriy will do anything for his only daughter… and if she wants a wedding, that’s exactly what she’ll get.