[What You'll Learn]

Describe your FICITON book here with an exciting overview of the story and characters – without giving too much away! – as well as the style, genre and intended audience.

If you write NON-FICTION, share the goals of this book in terms of intended audience, and potential reader transformations, learning or benefits. It's also a great idea to share what inspired you to write it.

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  • Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequa

The Plot

  • They say crime doesn't pay. Well, it seems no one told Yuriy, the city's most infamous crime boss, who has promised to fund his only daughter's wedding to the tune of a hundred thousand gold crowns.
  • They say money can't buy you everything. Which Yuriy is starting to suspect contains a grain of truth. Money, it seems, can't buy a suitable groom. Which is kind of an essential element for any wedding.
  • They say violence never solved anything. Now this one is just plain incorrect. Yuriy never met a problem that couldn't be solved with a blunt object and some encouraging words.
  • A heartwarming story about family, love, commitment, and (un)organized crime.

Title goes here


Describe your FICITON book here with an exciting overview of the story and characters – without giving too much away! – as well as the style, genre and intended audience.


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If you write NON-FICTION, share the goals of this book in terms of intended audience, and potential reader transformations, learning or benefits. It's also a great idea to share what inspired you to write it.


If you write NON-FICTION, share the goals of this book in terms of intended audience, and potential reader transformations, learning or benefits. It's also a great idea to share what inspired you to write it.



Book One of the Gripping _________ Series
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What You'll Learn

Avoid lazy character tropes that leave your readers rolling their eyes:

Clichés, tropes and stereotypes definitely have their place in storytelling, but the best characters are complex, unique and interesting.

Benefit Title Goes Here:

Continue writing your own benefits here. Remember that people have short attention spans and you need to hook them with interesting benefits that speak to their needs.

Villainy and Heroism:

What's the true difference between a villain and the antagonist? Or the hero and the protaganist? Can heros do bad things and still be the hero?

Benefit Title Goes Here:

You can easily switch out the icons on these benefits elements. Go ahead and find the perfect icons that match your live event.

Who This Book Is For


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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